What Is A Lymphatic Drainage Massage…

…And Does It Really Improve Your Health? Experts Weigh In

Learn all about the hottest massage treatment everyone is talking about. Now available at Skin Spa Asheville!


JUN 6, 2022

Lymphatic drainage massages are luxurious spa treatments that have long been a celeb favorite for their many supposed benefits. A-listers claim they can help flush toxins, amp up immunity, and nix water weight and bloating. So is there any truth to all the rumors swirling around?

First, let's break down what it is: "Lymphatic massage is massage that is specific for the lymphatic system," explains Karena Wu, PT, DPT, the owner and clinical director of ActiveCare Physical Therapy in New York City and Mumbai, India. The lymphatic network—made up of vessels and organs under your skin—is a crucial part of the immune system that works kind of like a garbage disposal (totally not gross!).

"It acts like a sanitation system for our body by getting rid of 'waste' that our body naturally produces, or other things that can invade our body, like bacteria," says Linda Koehler, PhD, an assistant professor of physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine at the University of Minnesota. "It's what protects us from getting an infection."

Contuine reading……https://www.womenshealthmag.com/health/a32171081/lymphatic-drainage-massage/